(This matter is
Subject to Bill 51)
That Council
approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 101 Dean
Martin Crescent from Light Industrial, Subzone 2, Height Limit 14 metres (IL2 H(14)) to Residential
Third Density, Subzone L, Exception XXXX (R3L[XXXX]) as shown in Document 1 and
detailed in Document 2.
Recommandation DU Comité
(Cette question est assujettie au Règlement 51)
Que le Conseil approuve une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 en vue de faire passer le
zonage du 101, croissant Dean Martin de Zone d’industrie légère, sous-zone 2, assortie
d’une limite de hauteur de 14 mètres (IL2 H(14)) à Zone résidentielle de densité 3, sous-zone L,
exception XXXX (R3L[XXXX]), tel qu’illustré dans le document 1 et exposé en
détail dans le document 2.
City Manager's report, Infrastructure
Services and Community Sustainability, dated 13 October 2011 (ACS2011-ICS-PGM-0208).
Report to/Rapport au :
de l'urbanisme
and Council / et au Conseil
13 October 2011 / le 13 octobre 2011
Submitted by/Soumis par :
Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/
Directrice municipale adjointe, Infrastructure Services
and Community Sustainability/Services d’infrastructure et Viabilité des
Contact Person/Personne-ressource : Derrick Moodie, Manager/
Gestionnaire, Development Review/Examen
des projets d'aménagement
Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de
la croissance
(613) 580-2424,
15134 Derrick.Moodie@ottawa.ca
That the recommend Council approve an amendment to
Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 101 Dean Martin Crescent from Light
Industrial, Subzone 2, Height Limit 14 metres (IL2 H(14)) to Residential Third Density, Subzone L,
Exception XXXX (R3L[XXXX]) as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2.
Que le Comité de l’urbanisme recommande au Conseil
d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 en vue de faire
passer le zonage du 101, croissant Dean Martin de Zone d’industrie légère, sous-zone
2, assortie d’une limite de hauteur de 14 mètres (IL2 H(14)) à Zone résidentielle de
densité 3, sous-zone L, exception XXXX (R3L[XXXX]), tel qu’illustré dans le document
1 et exposé en détail dans le document 2.
The site, 101 Dean Martin Crescent, is located on the south side of Dean Martin Crescent between Paul Anka Drive to the west and Gibford Drive to the east.
The site is 1.02 hectares in size and is
currently undeveloped. The undeveloped site was cleared a number of years ago
and, as such, consists of two small poplar stands, gravel and native grasses.
To the west of the site is the Paul Anka Drive residential
subdivision, including the stormwater management pond that services this
neighbourhood. To the north of the site is a vacant lot that is the subject of
a Site Plan Control Application for the development of a five-storey retirement
home and 27 residential townhouses. To the east of the site are a vacant lot
and hotel and to the south is a self-storage complex and park-and-fly lot.
Proposed Development
The development of a 22-unit subdivision is proposed for the site. This development would consist of 16 street townhouses and six semi-detached dwellings. A new public road is proposed with two access points from the adjacent road with a new sidewalk to be installed along Dean Martin Crescent. Each dwelling unit will have a private amenity area located in the rear yard. Two of the semi-detached units and three townhouse units will front onto Dean Martin Crescent with vehicular access provided from the new public street at the rear of the dwelling. A proposed site plan can be found in Document 3.
Existing Zoning
site is zoned as Light Industrial with a height limit of 14 metres (IL2 H(14)),
which permits a range of low-impact light industrial uses, complementary
recreational and services uses, and office uses.
Purpose of Zoning Amendment
The Zoning By-law Amendment
proposes to rezone the site to an R3L zone to permit residential development. The proposal would
require an exception to the R3L zone to permit site specific setbacks, which
are discussed in detail in the following section.
Proposed Zoning
The Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to change the zoning on the property as follows to permit residential development:
Planning Act and Provincial Policy Statement
Within Section 2 of the Ontario Planning Act, the provision of orderly and safe communities, the appropriate location of growth and development, and the adequate provision of a full range of housing, among others, are identified as matters of provincial interest.
Furthermore, the Planning Act requires that all planning decisions made by a municipality are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). As the guiding policy document for land use within the province, policies for the development of liveable communities, efficient use of land and resources, and the provision of housing options are identified within the PPS.
The proposed applications comply with the 2005
Provincial Policy Statement which promotes efficient land use and development
patterns to support strong, liveable and healthy communities. The proposal is
an appropriate use of the land which makes use of existing infrastructure and
public service facilities and complies with the infill and intensification
policies in the Provincial Policy Statement.
The proposed zoning allows for residential development
that will make use of existing infrastructure and public facilities, as well as
provide increased housing options. The site is conveniently located near other
residential neighbourhoods and a major collector road (Hunt Club Road) for
access to commercial areas and transit. The Department is of the opinion that
the proposal is consistent with the matters of provincial interest as outlined
in the Planning Act and the PPS.
Official Plan
The site is designated as General Urban Area within the Official Plan. This land use designation permits the development of a range of housing types that are conveniently located close to commercial, institutional and personal service uses. This designation also supports infill and designation in accordance with Official Plan policies regarding compatibility and community design.
The proposed development responds to the policies for the General Urban Area by using underutilized and serviced industrial land for the development of a residential subdivision that complements and is compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood. Two dwelling types (semi-detached and townhouses) are proposed within the subdivision, which serves to achieve a balance of housing types available for residents.
The General Urban Area designation requires that development have regard for the compatibility criteria found in Section 2.5.1 of the Official Plan and that development applications be reviewed and evaluated in the context of Section 4.11. Policies within these sections include those regarding the applicability of existing design guidelines, secondary plans and community design plans for the site, as well as design objectives. Further policies address traffic, vehicular access, parking, amenity area, lighting, noise and neighbourhood services.
The proposed development is in keeping with these policies by providing a residential subdivision that minimizes traffic concerns, provides pedestrian connections and proposes a built form that is compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood. Adequate area for amenity space, landscaping and sidewalks is provided and noise mitigation measures are to be installed as required. Details of these features will be finalized within the Plan of Subdivision and Site Plan Control.
Traffic Issues
The proposed development consists of 22 residential
units and is not considered a significant traffic generator. As such, a traffic
study was not required by the City in support of this proposal.
Noise Issues
Concerns regarding noise from the Ottawa International Airport to the south, as well as the adjacent storage complex and park-and-fly lot to the south have been raised. The Applicant has agreed to conduct a noise study, which will be addressed in greater detail and reviewed within the Plan of Subdivision and Site Plan Control processes.
Servicing Issues
A servicing study was provided in conjunction with the
development application. The Department has reviewed the study and has no
issues with the findings with respect to capacity. Further detailed review will be undertaken as
part of the Site Plan Control processes.
In summary, staff
are satisfied that the proposed change of 101 Dean Martin Crescent is
consistent with the policies of the Planning
Act, Provincial Policy Statement and the Official Plan. Therefore,
the requested Zoning By-law amendment is recommended for approval.
Concurrent Applications
Plan of Subdivision (file number D07-16-11-0010) and
Site Plan Control (file number D07-12-11-0129) applications are being processed
Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy (see Document 4).
Please request the applicant provide a
noise study to determine the sound attenuation measures that will be required
to mitigate noise on site.
Please ensure that the applicant reviews
possibilities for pathway linkages from their development to the existing
pathway in the existing Wisteria development.
Please let the applicant know that I
have concerns with the driveways not conforming to the zoning by-law. Please
ask that they adjust the site plan in order to ensure that the driveways meet
the zoning by-law.
I would like to know how the applicant
will address my request for park space? I would like to see elements and
recreational value added to this community.
Please ask staff to respond to the
concern that the existing community has water pressure issues. I would like
clarification to know if there are water pressure issues now, and what the
impact of 22 new homes could have on the Wisteria community.
I would like to hear back on the
investigations into any occurrence of Leda Clay at 101 Dean Martin Crescent.
Is there any contamination on the site
at 101 Dean Martin Crescent? Please advise.
I ask that the developer please provide
for speed humps or bumps on Dean Martin Crescent as a traffic calming measure.
The location can be determined in conjunction with City of Ottawa Traffic
Assessment Specialists.
Please ensure that construction vehicles
refrain from using Paul Anka Drive to access 101 Dean Martin Crescent. I ask
that this condition be articulated to the developer prior to development
commencing, as it is a safety issue for the community. I would suggest that
construction vehicles take Gibford Drive to and from Hunt Club Road.
There are no legal
implications associated with this report.
There are no direct financial implications associated
with this report.
A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment was submitted as part of the Zoning By-law Amendment application. No significant issues were identified in the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment and a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment was not recommended.
The proposed development and planning application is consistent with the City Strategic Plan in that it is new growth that respects neighbourhood form and integrates with the established community.
The application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendments due to resolving concerns raised regarding the proposed parking associated with the development.
Document 1 Location Map
Document 2 Details of Recommended Zoning
Document 3 Proposed Site Plan
Document 4 Consultation Details
City Clerk and Solicitor Department, Legislative Services to notify the owner, applicant, OttawaScene Canada Signs, 1565 Chatelain Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1Z 8B5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code: 26-76) of City Council’s decision.
Planning and Growth Management to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services and undertake the statutory notification.
Legal Services to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.
Proposed Changes to the Comprehensive Zoning
rear yard setback is 6.0 m
Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Zoning By-law amendments. One public meeting was also held in the community.
(a) We operate an off-airport parking lot and self-storage facility immediately south of the proposed development. We have serious concerns about the change in land use proposed. Both of our businesses operate 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. We do not want to experience future complaints about the operation of either business. We would request that the City of Ottawa build in appropriate zoning by-law performance standards and plan of subdivision clauses to protect our interests.
Response: The Councillor has requested a noise study in response to this comment, as well as in response to the site’s general proximity to the Ottawa International Airport. The installation of any noise attenuation materials will be finalized in the Site Plan Control process.
(b) I have a concern about more units being built in the area that will draw from the same water source. The water pressure on Wisteria is poor at the best of times and any additional demands on the system would have a significant impact in our area.
The City will ensure that proposed servicing for the site provides
adequate water servicing. This will be finalized during the Site Plan Control
and Plan of Subdivision processes.
A public meeting was held on September 13, 2011 at the Hunt Club/Riverside Community Centre to discuss the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, as well as the two concurrent applications (Site Plan and Plan of Subdivision). Five members of the public attended and their comments are summarized as follows:
(a) Please consider directing the monies from the new community that would normally go towards parking development to further enhancements of Wisteria Park. I’m sure new residents would make use of this park due to its proximity.
Cash-in-lieu of parkland will be a condition of approval for the Site
Plan Control process, of which 40% of the monies will go directly to Ward 10.
(b) Lighting and sidewalks are a high priority for me in the community so I expect well lit roads and adequate sidewalks along Dean Martin would be incorporated into the plan.
Response: Street lighting and sidewalk design will be finalized within the Site Plan Control and Plan of Subdivision processes.
(c) Bus service on Uplands is not well lit nor are the sidewalks extended far enough to allow residents from Wisteria/Dean Martin to reach the bus stops safely. I would like Councillor Deans to consider extending sidewalks on Uplands on both sides of this road at least as far as Gibford. Lighting may not be possible at this point but it should also be added to the list.
Response: This comment is not applicable to this application.
(d) Driveways should allow for a car parking spot.
Response: All proposed dwelling units meet the minimum Zoning By-law requirement for parking. In the proposed development, 17 units will provide parking for two vehicles within the garage and five units will provide single garage parking with one additional full-length space within the driveway.
(e) The units backing on to the Park and Ride should have a privacy fence installed to cover the ugly existing chain link fence with barb wire on top.
Response: The provision of a privacy fence, including design details, will be finalized within the Site Plan Control process.
Responses to the Councillor’s comments were provided as follows:
Please request the applicant provide a
noise study to determine the sound attenuation measures that will be required
to mitigate noise on site.
Response: This
request has been made to the Applicant who has agreed to undertake a noise
study. Any recommended sound attenuation measures will be reviewed for incorporation
into the development during the Site Plan Control process.
Please ensure that the applicant reviews
possibilities for pathway linkages from their development to the existing
pathway in the existing Wisteria development.
Response: The
proposed development includes a new sidewalk to be developed along the frontage
of Dean Martin Crescent, which links to the existing sidewalk on the west.
Cash-in-lieu of parkland will be a condition of Site Plan Control approval and
40% of the monies will be dedicated to Ward 10.
Please let the applicant know that I
have concerns with the driveways not conforming to the zoning by-law. Please
ask that they adjust the site plan in order to ensure that the driveways meet
the zoning by-law.
Response: These
comments were provided to the applicant who has responded by providing one full
length (5.2m) parking space entirely on private property for the 5 units with
only a single-car garage. The remaining 17 units have double-car garages,
therefore, the applicant has left the driveway lengths and parking as initially
proposed for these units.
I would like to know how the applicant
will address my request for park space? I would like to see elements and
recreational value added to this community.
Response: This
comment has been provided to the Applicant who has not indicated that they will
be making any changes to the site plan. They have indicated that a sidewalk is
to be developed along the frontage of Dean Martin Crescent, which links to the
existing sidewalk on the west, and that each unit will have private amenity
space. Cash-in-lieu of parkland will be a condition of Site Plan Control
approval and 40% of the monies will be dedicated to Ward 10.
Please ask staff to respond to the
concern that the existing community has water pressure issues. I would like
clarification to know if there are water pressure issues now, and what the
impact of 22 new homes could have on the Wisteria community.
Response: The Infrastructure Approvals Project Manager circulated this application
to the water services division who indicated that a 1” connection to the water
main on Dean Martin Crescent is required. This is larger than the standard ¾”
connection and is becoming the standard request for neighbourhoods where there
is a known water pressure issue.
I would like to hear back on the
investigations into any occurrence of Leda Clay at 101 Dean Martin Crescent.
Response: The
Applicant’s Geotechnical Engineer has identified that, due to the thick layer
of silty sand overlying the sensitive silty clay on the site, no additional
construction limitations such as special requirements for walkout or lookout
foundations are required.
Is there any contamination on the site
at 101 Dean Martin Crescent? Please advise.
Response: No significant issues were identified in the Phase I Environmental Site
Assessment report submitted with the application and a Phase II Environmental
Site Assessment was not recommended.
I ask that the developer please provide
for speed humps or bumps on Dean Martin Crescent as a traffic calming measure.
The location can be determined in conjunction with City of Ottawa Traffic
Assessment Specialists.
Response: Traffic calming measures will be reviewed for incorporation into the
development during the Site Plan Control process.
Please ensure that construction vehicles
refrain from using Paul Anka Drive to access 101 Dean Martin Crescent. I ask
that this condition be articulated to the developer prior to development
commencing, as it is a safety issue for the community. I would suggest that
construction vehicles take Gibford Drive to and from Hunt Club Road.
Response: This comment has been forwarded to the
Applicant. Construction access to the site will be finalized during the
Building Permit process.
No comments were received from community organizations.
No comments were received from Advisory Committees.